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CB Energy completes the Western section of the 41 km Toowoomba Second range Crossing Project for NEXUS Delivery ahead of schedule. From Boundary Street at Cranley to the Gore Highway at Athol, a total of 21 km of roadway, 30 km of trenching with 64km of electrical and communications conduit, 504 electrical and communications pits, 253 footings for 12m Major Road streetlights and CCTV camera...
View ProjectCB Energy was engaged by Land Lease communities and has successfully completed every stage of the Yarrabilba project for the past 10 years. CB Energy have undertaken and completed the installation of the Energex underground distribution network which includes electrical and communications conduit, pits, pillars, pad mount transformers, street lighting, traffic signals and concrete cast electrical...
View ProjectCB Energy have been engaged by Intrapac Property Group to undertake the White Rock project which includes the entry road and multiple subdivision stages. As Part of the project requirements CB Energy have installed electrical and communications conduit, pits, pillars, pad mount transformers, street lights and traffic signal infrastructure.
View ProjectCB Energy has completed numerous stages of the Surrounds subdivions project for the past 5 years and still conducts ongoing works
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